Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Gullible Walks Among Us

Throughout life we find ourselves choosing a side. Whether it is a political side, or which group to hang with in school—we must closely examine why we made those choices. Many of us reach a point in our life through trial and error, while some pick a path and maintain the course.

When someone points out flaws in your chosen path, people often defend their reasoning with false logic. People hate being wrong. Some innate power makes people fight for their chosen path, even when it only proves their gullibility. The greatest strength we can have is to admit when we were wrong.

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Libertarian Vs Progressive World View

I've noticed that progressives try to prove they care more about minorities and other sub groups of the population. I have almost laughed at progressives going to extreme measures to prove they are more caring than anyone else. Libertarians, in general, tend to see people as equals. Everyone should be judged as an individual. No one is special because of their skin tone or heritage. Speaking a specific language doesn't make someone special. Language is simply a means of communication—that's why it's important to fluently speak the language in which commerce and government is transacted.

When we discover prejudices, they are rarely about flesh tone or heritage. Prejudices are often the result of individual actions. If occurring often enough, they can eventually transfer to an entire group. A person can walk around with a chip on their shoulder, but you can be sure that will only reinforce prejudices. Present yourself well and you will be accepted,  prejudices will often fall by the wayside.

Monday, September 29, 2014

Rainbows and Unicorns

Since Thomas Moore wrote the novel Utopia, people have applied that name to any society that seemingly promise perfection. Everyone knows a Utopian society is impossible, but some have made their attempts through tight government control. Each attempt ended in suppressed liberties and sometimes massive loss of life. The Weather Underground of the 60's who had their version of Utopia for the USA, suggested that 14% of the population would never accept their world, and would have to be eliminated.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

America: The Police State

Each day we hear about a new instance of police overreach. Our men and women in blue have now become combat soldiers wearing black or camouflage as if they are in a jungle. They hug AR-15 assault rifles close to their chest as if they are running through a Middle Eastern country. Have police forgotten they are here to protect and serve, and not search and destroy?

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Look Beyond What You See

Sometimes we all reach a point in our lives when we feel comfortable on our current path. This can cause us to become blind to other paths that will make us see that life is not what we think. We must always make sure our eyes are fully open to new facts and opportunities.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

United Oligarchy of America

It's time to break the chain of corruption in our country. Nothing will change as long as the same people remain in control. We wonder why things never change. Because we never change those who run the country.

"A world of Followers

"The following"